We love to help educate our clients about their options when it comes to divorce and family law in Virginia. We have created this online article library as a way to empower our clients and give them the tools they need to be an active, informed decision maker in their legal matters.
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Key Variables When Calculating AlimonyWhen deciding alimony, a judge will take into account numerous different factors. Contact our attorneys at Smith Strong today at 804.325.1245 or 757.941.4298.
What is the Role of a Judicial Settlement Conference in the Divorce Process?Divorce mediation can help you discuss settlement options with your spouse outside of a courtroom. Call Smith Strong, PLC at 804.325.1245 today for help.
Basics of a Military DivorceIf you are curious about the process of military divorce, contact the law firm of Smith Strong today. 804-325-1245 (Richmond) or 757-941-4298 (Williamsburg).
Helping Clients Face Domestic Violence ChargesThe charge of domestic violence is serious in Virginia. Smith Strong can help--call today at 804.325.1245 (Richmond) or 757.941.4298 (Williamsburg).
Jurisdiction Issues in Military DivorceMilitary divorce can bring up several jurisdiction issues. For help, call Smith Strong, PLC : (804) 325-1245 (RIchmond) or (757) 941-4298 (Williamsburg).
How Mediation Works in a DivorceIf you are seeking a divorce and need assistance, call attorney Van Smith at Smith Strong, PLC today: Richmond, (804) 325-1245 or Williamsburg, (757) 941-4298.
Communication with Your Spouse During DivorceCommunicating positively with your spouse during a divorce is extremely difficult. Call 804.325.1245 to speak to anattorneys who can help with your case.
Weathering the Storm of DivorceFor most people, a divorce can be incredibly emotionally taxing. The lawyers at Smith Strong can help. Call our office at 804-325-1245.
Determining Spousal SupportSeveral factors combine to determine spousal support in Virginia. Smith Strong, PLC can help. Call us (804) 325-1245 (Richmond), (757) 941-4298 (Williamsburg).
Dividing Marital Property: Recreational Interest ItemsIf you are trying to divide marital property, get the help of a skilled and caring Richmond family attorney. Contact us today: (804) 325-1245 or (757) 941-4298.
Calculating Child Support Payments in VirginiaChild custody battles can be a nasty by-product of divorce. Obtain the assistance of a child custody lawyer: Richmond 804.325.1245 or Williamsburg 757.941.4298.
What to Do When Your Custody Plan is No Longer WorkingHere is what to do when your custody plan is no longer working. Call Smith Strong at 804-325-1245 (Richmond) or 757-941-4298 (Williamsburg) for a case review.